________________________________Make a Timelapse Movie___________________________________________________________ Step 1: // First make a directory using the "mkdir" command (here called blabla). // Get into it using "cd" command. // Do all other steps (commands) in this directory--not anywhere else. >> mkdir blabla >> cd blabla Step 2: // Take several photos with the same time interval (tl) for a lengh of time (t). // Use the "raspistill" command, and wait the amount of time (t, in milliseconds) you chose. // Be carefull to do not fill the drive (SD card) with too many pictures as it will crash the system. // Make sure the table with your HomeScope is not disturbed with vibrations // For example, for taking pictures every 10 minutes (600000 milliseconds) for a 2 hour (7200000 ms) period // naming each picture "PictureN.jpg" where N={0000,...0013), // we use (and take 14 pictures 0-13): >> raspistill -t 7200000 -tl 600000 -o Picture%04d.jpg Step 3: // Make a text file called "photos.txt" listing all the pictures files in the directory using the command // "ls" and redirection operator ">" >> ls *.jpg > photos.txt Step 4: // Build the final movie stiching all frames together with the command "mencoder" as follows >> mencoder "mf://@photos.txt" -mf fps=1 -o timelapse_video.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:vbitrate=1600 vqmin=3 _________________________________Play the movie________________________________________________________________ Step 5: // Play the avi file movie using the "mplayer" command >> mplayer timelapse_video.avi -fs