Code to stream video from one Microscope to another client using VLC player

Juan Keymer 3f2112f54c Edited README il y a 2 mois 3f2112f54c Edited README il y a 2 mois


Code to stream video from one Microscope to another client using VLC player. Suppose we are sitting at Alice and the microscope wants to stream video of its biological culture to another microscope running a VLC client app (Bob).

At Alice

At the Linux terminal running on Alice type the following command:

libcamera-vid -t 0 --width 1920 --height 1080 --codec h264 --inline --listen -o tcp://

With this commnad we tell Alice to bradcast a stream on port 8888 using the TCP protocol. The is the loopback (self) address.

At Bob

Now, at the linux terminal of Bob, we tell the shell to run VLC and use it to listen to the broadcast at port 8888 of the IP address of Alice ALICE_IP_ADDRESS

vlc tcp/h264://ALICE_IP_ADDRESS:8888/

To get the name and IP address of Alice, while you are on its Linux shell, type:

hostname && hostname -I