# Stream_from_HomeScope_to_HomeScope Code to stream video from one Microscope to another client using VLC player. Suppose we are sitting at **Alice** and the microscope **wants to stream video** of its biological culture to another microscope running a VLC client app (**Bob**). ## At Alice At the Linux terminal running on Alice type the following command: > `libcamera-vid -t 0 --width 1920 --height 1080 --codec h264 --inline --listen -o tcp://` With this commnad we tell Alice to bradcast a stream on port 8888 using the TCP protocol. The `` is the loopback (self) address. ## At Bob Now, at the linux terminal of Bob, we tell the shell to run `VLC` and use it to listen to the broadcast at port `8888` of the IP address of Alice `ALICE_IP_ADDRESS` > `vlc tcp/h264://ALICE_IP_ADDRESS:8888/` To get the name and IP address of Alice, while you are on its Linux shell, type: > `hostname && hostname -I`