# How to make TimeLapse videos Simple instructions to make a TimeLapse **using HomeScope's Raspberry Pi Linux Shell**. ## Step 1: First **make a directory** using the Linux bash shell command `mkdir` (here called `My_Timelapse`). > `mkdir My_Timelapse` Get into the directory you just created using the `cd` command. Do all other steps (commands) in this directory--not anywhere else. > `cd My_Timelapse` ## Step 2: **Take several microscopy pictures** with the same time interval between them (`DELTA_T`) for a total lengh of time (`TOTAL_T`). Use the `libcamera-still` command, and put in the parameters for the total amount of time (`-t TOTAL_T`, in milliseconds) and the frequency (`--timelapse DELTA_T` in millisecods) you want to be taking pictures. Be **carefull** to do not fill the drive (SD card) with too many pictures as it will crash the system. Make sure the table with your HomeScope is not disturbed with vibrations. For **example** , for taking pictures *every 10 minutes* (`DELTA_T = 600000` milliseconds) *for a 2 hour period* (`TOTAL_T = 7200000` ms). We use the pattern `PictureN.jpg` to name pictures as numbered (`N`) jpg files (`N={0000,...0013}`). The numbers are added to the filename by the structure `%04d` specifying 4 digit number pattern > `libcamera-still -t 7200000 --timelapse 600000 --framestart 1 -o Picture%04d.jpg` ## Step 3: Make a text file called `photos.txt` by using the Linux bash shell command `ls` to list all the pictures files in the directory using the command. To save the list (output of the command) to a file called `photos.txt`, redirect the output of the command from the standard oputput (the screen) to the filesystem with the command line: > `ls *.jpg > photos.txt` ## Step 4: Build the final movie stiching all frames together with the command `mencoder` (maplayer) as follows > `mencoder "mf://@photos.txt" -mf fps=1 -o timelapse_video.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:vbitrate=1600 vqmin=3` ## Step 5: **Play the movie** To play the `avi` file use the `mplayer` command: > `mplayer timelapse_video.avi -fs`